From the validation of an idea to international scale-up

We follow companies at all stages of their development

All our services

We follow companies at all stages of their development starting from Startups in accelerator programs to Corporate, applying our methodologies and frameworks proven in more than 70 different markets.

Support & Mentorship Growth

We have market-leading know-how for support and mentorship growth in accelerator programs.

Born within one of Italy’s leading programs, we have brought our experience to numerous accelerators, with an industry agnostic vocation, able to support even the most complex markets, through support of both pure discovery and go-to-market phases.

Strengthen internal mindsets and skills

LTV offers programs to enhance internal mindsets and skills and facilitate corporations to identify innovative “plug and play” solutions by drawing from the best of the Startup ecosystem.

Workshops and programs designed specifically for the generation and implementation of innovative ideas within the company.

Academic training

We created the first academic program on Growth Hacking for LUISS Business School.

We train Corporate resources by contaminating them with Lean / Growth approach.

We bring Growth to the universities of Italy bringing students closer to the world of innovation, Growth and Startups.

Team Growth as a Service

We help startups optimize time and resources for business growth.

With the Growth as a service team formula, LTV becomes the startup’s internal team and follows growth strategy and implementation while training internal resources for the startup to become independent later.

Tutti i nostri servizi

Ad ogni stadio di un business cambiano dinamiche e necessità. Abbiamo affinato le competenze per seguire il business dalla validazione di un’idea fino alla scalata internazionale.

Seguiamo le aziende in tutte le fasi del loro sviluppo partendo dalle startup nei programmi di accelerazione fino ad arrivare alle corporate, applicando le nostre metodologie e i nostri framework sperimentati su più di 70 mercati diversi.

Formiamo le risorse dei team, i manager di grandi aziende e ragazzi neolaureati ad affrontare le sfide del mercato digitale attraverso strumenti tecnologici.

Supporto e mentorship Growth

Abbiamo un know how leader sul mercato per il supporto e mentorship growth nei programmi di accelerazione.

Nati all’interno di uno dei programmi leader in Italia, abbiamo portato la nostra esperienza in numerosi acceleratori, con una vocazione industry agnostic, capace di supportare anche i mercati più complessi, attraverso il supporto delle fasi sia di pura discovery che di go-to market.

Formazione accademica

Abbiamo creato il primo programma accademico sul Growth Hacking per la LUISS Business School.

Formiamo risorse Corporate contaminandole con approccio Lean / Growth.

Portiamo il Growth nelle università d’Italia avvicinando gli studenti al mondo dell’innovazione, del Growth e delle Startup.

Formula Team Growth as a Service

Aiutiamo le startup ad ottimizzare tempi e risorse per la crescita del business.

Con la formula team growth as a service, LTV diventa il team interno della startup e segue strategia e implementazione del growth formando allo stesso tempo le risorse interne affinché la startup diventi in un secondo momento indipendente.

Programmi per potenziare mentalità e skill interne

LTV offre programmi per potenziare mentalità e skill interne e facilitare le corporate ad individuare soluzioni innovative “plug and play” attingendo dal meglio dell’ecosistema Startup.

Workshop e programmi pensati ad hoc per la generazione e implementazione di idee innovative all’interno della azienda.

The hybrid method

We use a hybrid methodology between consulting and training to rapidly implement our know-how and make it an asset for our clients. Consulting provides immediate value but does not release internal know-how, while training brings results too slowly.

Our formula bridges the gap between immediate results and the creation of internal assets and know-how.